Monday, October 26, 2009

One Malaysia

First it was muhibbah...bersatu padu...Gongxi Raya, Depa Raya, then one Malaysia. One side of me is sick of this empty rhetorics. The other side manage to rationalise things: what the least they are talking about uniting Malaysias, unlike most of us. But the sceptics among us just can 't help ridiculing the whole idea or questioning their real intentions.

For some of us, we are the real embodiment of the concept of one Malaysia. We make friends with all races. Perhaps we can't afford massive open houses during festive celebrations but we make do with simple stuffs like visiting friends, respect elders of all races, execising proper road manners while driving and fully tolerate racial and religious differences.

I can only hope those who aspire to align themselves to the concept of One Malaysia have sincere intentions and really show it in their everyday dealings and actions with people of all races.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Koay's Blog

It's nice to see Koay writing in his blog again. Who better to write about physics in Malaysian schools...... For starters, Koay can list down all the errors in popular textbooks and misconceptions among Malaysian Physics teachers. That will keep him going until he formally retires!!